The art of risk management for business owners

Aneslin Bala
3 min readSep 6, 2022


Business owners have a lot on their plates and they don’t have time to waste. They need to focus on their business, but they also need to worry about its risks. While risk management is important, it can be difficult to do right. That’s where risk management tools come in. With these tools, you can manage your risks and keep them under control while still running your business.

What is Risk Management?

Risk management is the process of managing a business’s risk. It includes understanding and assessing the risks that your business faces, setting and implementing policies to manage those risks, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of those policies, and reporting on business performance.

How to Manage Your Business Risk

In order to manage risk effectively, you need to understand it and be able to assess its effects. This requires knowledge about financial modeling, data analysis, risk assessment tools, financial statement analysis, and other areas of business information technology.

How to Evaluate Your Business Risk

Evaluating your business’ risk can involve different methods such as net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), or beta values. Each method provides a different perspective on how prepared your business is for risk. By using these perspectives together, you can better understand how much risk is currently impacting your operations and make informed decisions about how to reduce or eliminate that risk.

How to Avoid Risk.

One of the most important ways to reduce your risk in a time of economic turmoil is through customized risk management strategies. By focusing on specific risks, you can better understand and manage them. This will allow you to make informed decisions that protect your business and its customers.

Customizing Your Risk Management Strategy

In order to manage risks effectively, it’s important to customize your strategy according to the unique circumstances of your business. It’s also necessary to keep the global context of your industry and the global economy. Doing this will help you stay ahead of potential crises and maintain your business stability.

Managing Your Business Risk in a Time of Economic Turmoil

If you want to reduce or avoid any potential risks related to your business, there are a few things you can do:

1) research your industry and find reliable sources of information about risk-related topics;

2) take steps to protect yourself from possible losses;

3) plan for contingencies and disruptions; and

4) be prepared for unexpected events (such as economic boycotts or currency devaluations).

How to Avoid Unsustainable Risk.

establishes a system for reviewing your business’ risk, determines whether the chances are sustainable, and implements a risk management plan to mitigate these risks.

Develop a Risk Management Plan

A risk management plan is designed to identify, assess, and manage potential risks to your business. The goal of this plan is to prevent or reduce the probability of adverse events that could impact your business adversely. This includes but is not limited to financial losses, lost customers, or damage to your company’s physical assets.

Implement a risk management system

Implementing a risk management system will ensure that all associated controls are in place and effective to protect your business from potential liabilities arising from its operations. A risk management system should include procedures for monitoring and reviews of data sources, tracking performance goals, assigning responsibility for decisions made within the organization, implementing policies and procedures related to credit monitoring and avionics safety, managing access control systems, and more.


Risk management is the practice of managing risks in a business. It includes choosing the right risks, assessing risks, and managing them to minimize their impact. By understanding risk and implementing a risk management system, you can avoid unsustainable risks that could damage your business.

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Aneslin Bala
Aneslin Bala

Written by Aneslin Bala

I am Aneslin Bala (MBA-Finance), CEO, Consultant for Corporate LMS, eCommerce and Cloud Services. Here I'm talking about SL Economics.

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